Hardik Pandya Notes × Talks × Work with me

Simple Ways to Build Career Alpha

These are not for everyone, but very useful if you want to build better habits that compound over time and give you an edge in your career.

  • Most people are lazy, and lack bias (and intent) for action.

  • Most people don’t like to show up, work hard and put in the effort.

  • Most people don’t sweat the details.

  • Most people don’t pay attention to how they communicate (written & spoken).

  • Most people don’t seek critical feedback.

  • Most people don’t take responsibility (often externalising their failures).

  • Most people aren’t curious to learn and get better.

  • Most people obsess about tools & shortcuts, but not as much on discipline & consistency.

  • Most people can’t comprehend the power of compounding (in skills, money, capability), and lack the patience for it.

  • Most people don’t follow through on their commitment.

If you are not ‘most people’, you’re well positioned to go very far in your career.
