Know Your A-Team

I’ll speak of building an A Team in context of Design. Good design talent is scarce. The industry is bustling with up and coming talent that have all sorts of opinions and varied perception of what a career in design looks like.

But amidst all of the chaos that usually surrounds Design, there’s a class of people that are a breath of fresh air. People who are sincere in their approach towards design, who have an innate sense of pride in their work and a deeply rooted intent to genuinely get better at their craft. Every leader will tell you that they’d kill to find and recruit such people in their team. And yet, most aren’t able to.

When we built our Design team at Unacademy, we searched far and wide. For our Design Lead roles, we screened about 100 profiles and interviewed ~40 senior candidates. After months of hard work, huge strokes of luck & serendipity, we can say that today we have one of the most sincere, talented and hardworking team at the helm – the A Team.

What’s an A-team?

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