Why Large Orgs Struggle with Design

Large companies are well staffed with designers. They have generous budgets to hire the best talent and give them the best tools to do their work. And yet the products that come out of these companies often remain stagnant, feel uninspired, and appear to actively deteriorate over time. The disparity between their resources and the output is striking.

Having worked with and within several major tech organizations, I’ve observed recurring patterns that explain why this happens. These issues aren’t about lack of talent or resources, but rather systemic and cultural failures that prevent excellence from emerging despite the best intentions of the individuals.

Equator line

Let’s explore some important themes around the systemic issues at large companies.

Issues with org structure

Decision-making problems

Cultural challenges

Disconnection from users and reality

Career advancement and talent management

Quality and craft issues

Time and resource allocation

Priorities and metrics

Morale and motivation

The most frustrating aspect of this situation is that we know better design is possible. The solutions aren’t mysterious or unachievable. They require organizational courage, leadership that genuinely values quality over expediency, and systems that empower rather than constrain talented designers.

While all of this is largely true and evident, there are still large companies around that have successfully fought against these challenges and continued to maintain exceptional design cultures.

Notion is a large company but operates with a very lean design team. Their products (a few performance issues aside) are top notch in their thinking and execution.

Facebook for a long time had an exceptional design culture despite their size and scale. Even today their products exhibit high craft and finesse in the quality of the products.

Airbnb continues to maintain a very high bar of excellence despite being a seriously large public company. Same goes for Apple at almost 30x the scale of Airbnb.

You can have positive or negative opinions about their products. But it’s an undeniable fact that all those companies have worked extremely hard to preserve the culture of great intentional design, high craft, polish and attention to detail. All of that despite being very large and having the same problems that other companies have had.

And that’s extremely commendable.

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